BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Local Workspace > Manually synchronizing the Local Workspace

Manually synchronizing the Local Workspace

You can manually synchronize the vault from your Local Workspace whenever necessary, such as after completing changes to an important document that needs somebody’s immediate attention. You do not have to wait until the next automatic synchronization takes place.

To manually synchronize from within PowerUser while working in Online mode:

  1. On the Document menu, select Sync Local Workspace.


  1. Click the document icon on the Document property page. The Advanced Document Information dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Local Workspace tab.
  3. Click Synchronize.

To manually synchronize while working in Offline mode:

  1. Right-click the BlueCielo Application Integration icon  in the system tray, point to Local Workspace, and select Synchronize Now.

Warning    When using Offline mode, be sure to synchronize your Local Workspace before switching back to Online mode. Failing to do so can compromise the integrity of document references. In Offline mode, references are updated to Local Workspace locations. Synchronization corrects the reference location information so that the references will work correctly from within the vault.

Related concepts

About Local Workspace

About Application Integration

Understanding Offline mode

Related tasks

Configuring Local Workspace

Locking and unlocking documents

Resolving Local Workspace conflicts

Setting Application Integration options

Resetting application integration dialog boxes

Preparing to work offline

Working offline

Creating new documents

Related information

Local Workspace log toolbar details

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